The Mighty Cacophonous Orchestrasauras
11:00am Saturday, April 27th, 2019
Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade are our special guests!
Washington Heights Chamber Orchestra
Chris Whittaker, Conductor
What better way to spend an hour on Saturday morning than with your friends at the orchestra!? Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade and their parents join us for a very special concert where we’ll discover together what makes the orchestra such an amazing creature! Think you can tame the “Mighty Cacophonous Orchestrasauras?” Students will color, sing, dance, listen, conduct, and rock out with the WHCO!
Featuring music by:
Brahms, Elgar, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Copland and much more!
Anna Urrey, Flute
Michelle Farrah, Oboe
John Hong, Clarinet
Nanci Belmont, Bassoon
John Gattis, Horn
Andrew Kemp, Trumpet
Tommy Urich, Trombone
Matthew Mitchener, Percussion
Mark Chein, Violin
Byunchan Lee, Violin
Jeremy Kienbaum, Viola
Vivian Chang, Cello
Max Jacob, Bass
FREE! Young listeners welcome!
Our season is made possible in part with funding from the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
UMEZ enhances the economic vitality of all communities in Upper Manhattan through job creation, corporate alliances, strategic investments, and small business assistance.
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council empowers artists by providing them with networks, resources, and support, to create vibrant, sustainable communities in Lower Manhattan and beyond.